
Targeting is a marketing technique that involves selecting specific segments identified through segmentation and focusing marketing activities on those segments. This enables companies to utilize resources most effectively and provide appropriate products, services, and marketing messages to the selected target customers.

Objectives of Targeting

  1. Deploying Effective Marketing Strategies:

    • Develop and implement optimal marketing strategies for specific customer segments to maximize marketing impact.

  2. Efficient Resource Allocation:

    • Utilize limited resources most effectively by concentrating on target customers, thereby improving return on investment (ROI).

  3. Establishing Competitive Advantage:

    • Develop specialized strategies for target segments to establish a competitive edge over competitors.

  4. Improving Customer Satisfaction:

    • Provide products and services that meet customer needs and preferences, enhancing customer satisfaction and strengthening brand loyalty.

Steps in Targeting

  1. Conduct Market Segmentation:

    • Divide the market into several segments and clarify the characteristics and needs of each segment.

  2. Evaluate Segments:

    • Assess the attractiveness, size, growth potential, and competitive environment of each segment.

  3. Select Target Segments:

    • Choose the segments to target based on the evaluation criteria, including segment profitability, accessibility, and alignment with the company’s strengths.

  4. Develop Targeting Strategy:

    • Formulate appropriate marketing strategies for the selected target segments, covering product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies.

  5. Implement Marketing Mix:

    • Execute specific marketing activities based on the formulated strategy, delivering personalized messages and campaigns to the target segments.

  6. Evaluate and Adjust:

    • Assess the outcomes of marketing activities and adjust strategies as needed to ensure continuous improvement.

Approaches to Targeting

  1. Mass Marketing (Undifferentiated Marketing):

    • Target the entire market with a single marketing mix for all customers. This approach is cost-effective but may not address individual needs effectively.

  2. Differentiated Marketing:

    • Target multiple segments, each with a different marketing mix. This approach is effective but incurs higher costs.

  3. Concentrated Marketing:

    • Focus on a single segment, targeting marketing efforts on a niche market to gain a competitive advantage.

  4. Micromarketing:

    • Tailor marketing activities to individual customers or specific localities, allowing highly targeted and precise marketing.

Benefits of Targeting

  1. High Marketing Effectiveness:

    • Focusing on specific segments maximizes the impact of marketing activities.

  2. Efficient Resource Allocation:

    • Using resources effectively by concentrating on target customers improves ROI.

  3. Enhanced Competitiveness:

    • Developing strategies specific to target segments establishes a competitive advantage.

  4. Improved Customer Satisfaction:

    • Providing products and services tailored to customer needs and preferences enhances satisfaction.

Disadvantages of Targeting

  1. High Costs:

    • Developing different marketing strategies for each segment incurs higher costs.

  2. Market Fluctuations:

    • Frequent changes in the market environment and customer needs necessitate regular review of targeting strategies.

  3. Risk Concentration:

    • Focusing on specific segments increases the risk associated with changes in those segments or unforeseen events.

Success Stories of Targeting

  1. Apple:

    • Apple targets design-oriented customers and technology enthusiasts, offering high-quality and innovative products to build brand loyalty.

  2. Nike:

    • Nike targets sports enthusiasts and athletes, providing personalized marketing messages and products.

  3. Starbucks:

    • Starbucks targets coffee lovers and urban dwellers, offering a cozy store environment and customizable beverages.


Targeting involves selecting specific segments identified through segmentation and focusing marketing activities on those segments. This approach enables companies to use resources most effectively and provide appropriate products, services, and marketing messages to selected target customers. Implementing targeting requires market research, segment evaluation, target segment selection, strategy formulation and execution, and outcome evaluation and adjustment. Successful targeting improves resource allocation, customer satisfaction, and competitiveness, although it also involves high costs, market fluctuations, and concentrated risk. Effective management and strategy review are essential for successful targeting.